Topic properties

One way to include data in a map is by adding properties sets to your topics. A topic properties set is an object included within a topic that contains a list of property names and their values. You can create and re-use topic properties sets to standardize the entry of data for topics of a specific type. For example you could create a topic properties set with fields for standard employee data such as department, manager, title, employee number, etc.

Within the set, you can classify some properties as Hidden. Hidden properties are not shown, by default, but you can choose to display them.

Creating a topic properties set involves two steps:

  1. Define a list of properties of various data types.
    At this point, you have a list of properties without values ready for data entry. If you'd like to use this list of properties for other topics you can duplicate it by copying the topic or by creating a Map Part.

  2. Edit the topic properties to populate the fields with data specific to this topic.

Once the topic properties set has been created you can choose to show or hide it, and if its no longer needed, you can remove it from the topic.

You can also calculate a topic property based on the values of other properties used on the map. See Use Formulas to learn more.

What do you want to do?


Define a list of topic properties

  1. Select a topic.

  2. On the Advanced tab, in the Topic Data group, click the Properties icon .

  3. Click Define Topic Properties.
    The placeholder "Property" appears as the first entry in the properties list

  4. In the Name filed, enter the name for the property.

  1. Choose its data Type and options. The data type and options you choose will determine how the property's data is displayed and what type of data entry field is used.  (See Use Formulas for information on Calculated properties.)

  1. To define another property, click New, then repeat steps 3 and 4.
    Continue until you have added all the properties you want.

  1. Click OK to exit the dialog.

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Enter data for topic properties

  1. Select the topic where you have defined the properties, then do one of the following:

  1. Enter the data for the properties. The data entry is controlled by the property's data format and options. If you have entered data that is not valid for the property type, the OK button will be disabled.

  1. When you are finished entering the data click OK.

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View and modify topic properties

View the topic properties

Show hidden properties

Enter or edit property values

Do one of the following to switch to Property value editing mode, then enter new values:

Modify property names and definitions

Do one of the following to switch to Property definition mode:

Remove topic properties or values from a topic

* To perform this operation on multiple properties, CTRL+click the properties you want to select first.

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Copy and paste topic properties

You can copy and paste a property value, a property name, or both the property name and value.

You can also copy properties from one topic to another using drag and drop..

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See also: