Manage tasks

Tasks on your map can come from a variety of sources: you can enter them manually, add them from an Outlook Query or by using a SharePoint map part, or import them from Project. Tasks have defined Task Info such as Start Date and Due Date. Workdays available for tasks are defined by the Task Info calendar.

The Task Management options are used in concert with the map's Task Info to allow you to automatically calculate and update task information on the map.

To indicate branches where task information is automatically calculated, you mark topics as roll-up topics. To create dependencies between these tasks you add relationships, and you can specify a dependency type. Workdays used in calculations are derived from the Map Calendar.

Calculated task info is shown with special markers. You can choose to display at-risk and past-due tasks on Task Management branches with special fill colors.

In this topic


Mark roll-up topics for task management

When you mark a topic as a roll-up topic, task info for the entire topic branch is calculated from the task info you've entered. Start date, Due date, Duration (if used) and Progress (if used) are calculated for all parent topics of tasks up to and including the roll-up topic. (Resources are not used, but are retained when entered.) The calculated task info is shown with special markers.

  1. Select a topic that has at least one subtopic.

  2. In the Task Info pane, Task Management options, click Roll-up task info to here.

Roll-up topics display a special icon ptm_rollup.png .

  1. (Optional) Enter task info for the roll-up topic's subtopics.

Calculated task info

Calculated task info is shown with special markers. You cannot edit this calculated task info, but you can add and edit other task info that has not been calculated (for example, Resources).


Initial task info


Calculated task info
(The parent topic is marked as a roll-up topic,
and the map has been updated)

When task info is calculated:

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Show at-risk and past-due tasks

You can choose to use a specific topic fill color for at-risk and past-due tasks using the Task Management options in the Task Info pane.

Tasks are considered at-risk if their current progress indicates that they may not be completed by their Due date. Specifically, if the period between the Start date and Due date is more than 75% elapsed, but the Progress is less than 75%., the task is marked as at-risk.

Tasks are past-due if they are less than 100% complete and their Due date is today or earlier.


At-risk task


Past-due task

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Add a dependency between tasks

You indicate a dependency between tasks by linking the topics with a special type of relationship. You can choose the type of dependency using the Task Management options.

The dependency is defined using the order that you click on the tasks. While you create the relationship, think "This task (topic 1) determines that task (topic 2)", and click the tasks in that order. Topic 1 is the determining task. Topic 2 is the dependent task.

Add a dependency in Map view

  1. Select the determining task (the task that another task depends on), and assign a Start Date, Due Date, and Duration.

  1. Select the determining task, press CTRL, and then select one or more tasks. (If you select more than two tasks, multiple dependencies will be created in the order that you selected the tasks).

  2. Click a dependency type

The dependency type is indicated by an icon on the relationship line.

Add a dependency in Gantt view

The dependency type is indicated by an icon on the relationship line.

For the purposes of explanation, we refer to the first topic selected (the determining task) as Task 1 and the second topic selected (the dependent task) as Task 2. The Start and Due dates for Task 2 (the dependent task) are adjusted according to its dependency on Task 1.

Dependency type


Adjustments on update*

ptm_dep1.png Finish-to-Start

Task 2 Start date cannot be earlier than Task 1 Due date

The Task 2 Start date is adjusted to be after the Task 1 Due date.

ptm_dep2.png Start-to-Finish

Task 2 Due date cannot be later than Task 1 Start date

The Task 2 Due date is adjusted to fall before the Task 1 Start date.

ptm_dep3.png Start-to-Start

Task 2 Start date cannot be later than Task 1 Start date

The Task 2 Start date is adjusted to be at or before the Task 1 Start date.

ptm_dep_4.png Finish-to-Finish

Task 2 Due date cannot be earlier than Task 1 Due date

The Task 2 Due date is adjusted to be at or after the Task 1 Due date.

* Only if necessary to abide by the dependency condition.

Change a dependency

You can change the dependency type by selecting the dependency line, and then selecting a new dependency type in the Task Info pane.

You can also move the end of a dependency to a different topic by selecting the dependency and dragging the red handle to a new topic.


Format the dependency line

You can change the style of the dependency line in the same way that you format a relationship. Double-click the line to see the formatting options.

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Task Management rules

Roll-up rules

Dependency rules


See also:

Task info

Use Gantt View

Create and manage Resources