Hyperlink to a topic in this map

You can link from one map topic to another, or copy a link to a map topic to another application.

Link to a topic in this map

  1. Select the topic, or click the location in a note where you want the link.

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. In the Add Hyperlink dialog click Topic in this Map. A list of all map topics will appear.

  2. If you have already created labels in the map you can choose to see only labeled topics in the topic list. (This is especially convenient for large maps.)

  3. Click the map topic or label you want to link to.

  4. Click Options to set special options used when you export your map to another document format or to a web page, or when you want to pass arguments with the hyperlink.

To create a link to a topic from the context menus use the Copy and Paste Hyperlink ▼ commands.

  1. Right-click the target topic (that you want the link to point to) then click Copy.

  2. Right-click the source topic (where you want to link from) then click Paste hyperlink.


Link to a topic in this map from another document

  1. Right-click the topic you want to link to and select Copy as Hyperlink.

  2. Switch to the other application and click at the location for the hyperlink.

  3. Press CTRL+V .

The topic text is pasted into the document and includes a link to the map topic.