Map properties

Every map contains a set of Properties that provides information about the map. You can update the Map Properties at any time while you work on the map. In addition, you can configure MindManager so that the first time you save a map or a Map Template you are automatically shown the Properties Summary dialog: Use the MindManager Save option: Prompt for map properties on first save.

Change map properties

  1. Do one of the following:

  1. Modify the properties as needed.

  2. Click Save to use the new properties. These new properties will be saved with the map the next time you save it.
    Click Cancel to return the properties to their previous values.

options_button.bmp for the Summary Pane.

options_button.bmp for the General pane.

options_button.bmp for the Statistics pane.

You can also enter properties when you modify Map Templates and Style templates.